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By Region: North America

Two Sides of the Coin for Food Safety of Cut Leafy Greens

(FoodSafetyNews) It’s a coin with two markedly different sides. Flip it once and fresh cut leafy greens come up as the nutritional stars in salad mixes. On that list are spinach, kale, green and red leaf lettuces, baby leaf lettuces, escarole, endive, spring mix, arugula, romaine, and iceberg lettuce, among others. Praised by doctors and  Read More »

Seeing through HIV’s disguises

(EurekAlert) Studying HIV-1, the most common and infectious HIV subtype, Johns Hopkins scientists have identified 25 human proteins “stolen” by the virus that may be critical to its ability to infect new cells. HIV-1 viruses capture many human proteins from the cells they infect but the researchers believe these 25 proteins may be particularly important  Read More »

US budget cuts could jeopardize development of life-saving tools against major killers

(EurekAlert) Across-the-board cuts to US R&D programs could have a devastating impact on efforts to develop new drugs for tuberculosis (TB) and HIV/AIDS, the world’s first malaria vaccine, and other vital global health products in development, according to a new report from a coalition of nonprofit groups focused on advancing innovation to save lives. “We  Read More »

Research suggests malaria can be defeated without a globally led eradication program

(EurekAlert) A researcher at the University of Southampton, working as part of a team from the UK and USA, believes the global eradication of malaria could be achieved by individual countries eliminating the disease within their own borders and coordinating efforts regionally. The team’s findings have been published in the journal Science.

Bioterror labs cited for lax security

(TheTennessean) Laboratories at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have been repeatedly cited in private government audits for failing to properly secure potential bioterror agents such as anthrax and plague and not training employees who work with them, according to “restricted” government watchdog reports obtained by USA TODAY.