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By Category: International

U.S. funds biological research facility in Georgia

A United States funded $100 million biological research facility is designed to promote animal and public health through epidemiological surveillance and disease detection has opened in Tbilisi, the largest city and capital of Georgia.

Looking to the Bio-Defense Sector as Nuclear Fears Mount

As Japan’s nuclear crisis deepens, Wall Street may begin to focus on a small group of almost-ignored young biotechs. Known as the bio-defense group, these firms develop products that help protect the population from radiation leaks resulting from nuclear accidents or attacks.

Libyan rebels put responsibility on US – Washington Times

Mr. Shalgam told US officials the international community would be responsible if Col. Gadhafi's forces attack the residents of the rebel-controlled eastern city of Benghazi with chemical and biological weapons.

Iraqi defector “Curve Ball” speaks out – CBS News

The Iraqi defector's fabricated story of mobile biological weapons drove the US argument for invading Iraq. Next Saturday will mark the eighth anniversary of America’s invasion of Iraq. And after all this time, questions still remain as to why the United States launched the war in the first place. The Bush administration said it was  Read More »

Middle East Unrest Could Harm WMD-Free Zone Talks

“We see it as a give-and-take process,” Abdel Aziz said. “At the same time that Israel will join the NPT, we will join the [Biological Weapons Convention and Chemical Weapons Convention]. It’s a parallel process requiring progress on all three fronts.” Egypt and Syria have both signed but not ratified the biological weapons treaty. Neither  Read More »