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By Category: Bioterrorism

Postage Stamps Delivered Anthrax Suspect to FBI

So it’s not surprising that investigators took all kinds of extraordinary measures to try to figure out who mailed the anthrax-filled letters that killed five people, scared the country half to death, and have jumped back into public consciousness, thanks to a series of independent reviews over the last six weeks. But even by the  Read More »

San Francisco Moves to Combat Bioterror False Alarms

While they haven’t presented a big — or apparently any — problem in San Francisco yet, city officials are moving to rein bio-detection devices owned and operated by private businesses, building owners and institutions to screen for anthrax, tularemia and other viruses and bacteria deliberately…

Report faults Army in 2001 anthrax mailings

Reporting from Bethesda, Md.—The Army scientist believed responsible for the 2001 anthrax letter attacks that killed five people and crippled mail delivery in parts of the country had exhibited alarming mental problems that military officials should have noticed and acted on long before he had a chance to strike, a panel of behavioral analysts has  Read More »

NYPD purchases $5 million anti-terror boat

The New York Police Department recently announced the purchase of a $5 million patrol boat designed to withstand chemical and biological attacks.The craft will contain steel doors and windows and a positive-pressure-protected cabin that can be activated in the case of a chemical, biological or radiological incident. An onboard decontamination unit will be capable of  Read More »

Ex-Bush Spokesman Blames Iraq Invasion on Faulty WMD Intel

Former White House spokesman Ari Fleischer last Thursday said that valid intelligence on prewar Iraq’s suspected WMD capabilities would likely have prevented the 2003 invasion of the Middle Eastern state, the Idaho Mountain Express reported.