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By Category: Agriculture

Food Poisoning on a Global Scale – Hawaii Health Guide

Food Poisoning on a Global ScaleHawaii Health GuideWhich is why the debate on biosafety of GMOs is so intense. With growing consumerism and greed, food safety is being bypassed. The distance between growers and eaters is getting larger and being ignorant about what comprises our food is getting deeper.

Feeding 25 million Ghanaians: Are we going for GM crops or traditional crops?

(SpyGhana) How would farmers in Ghana who have for so many years been using traditional seeds and methods to farm be convinced that the GM crops and its seeds are better for them, for that matter they should go for them? Africa Agriculture Technology Foundation (AATF) has said Agriculture is under threat in Africa. According  Read More »

Scores of cattle culled in Tibet due to foot and mouth disease outbreak

(TheGlobalDispatch) The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) reported an outbreak of foot and mouth disease in the Tibetan village of Shigatse, which has affected dozens of cattle. According to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) yesterday, there were 32 cases of foot and mouth disease, and in total, 156 cattle, sheep and goats were  Read More »

EHV-1 cases heighten biosecurity awareness – expert – Horsetalk

HorsetalkEHV-1 cases heighten biosecurity awareness – expertHorsetalk“Veterinary and university hospitals, because they house sick animals along with healthy ones awaiting routine surgeries, have been at the forefront of what is now routinely known as biosecurity. Large hospitals now often have an individual solely …and more »

FDA to Extend Comment Deadline for Produce Safety Rule

(FoodSafetyNews) Responding to multiple stakeholder requests, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is planning to extend the comment period on the produce safety rule beyond May 16, FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg said on Thursday.