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By Category: Agents & Toxins

Microrockets fueled by water neutralize chemical and biological warfare agents

AmericanChemicalSociety: Scientists are developing microrockets to fight back against dangerous chemical and biological agents, should the need arise. In the journal ACS Nano, they describe new spherical micromotors that rapidly neutralize chemical and biological agents and use water as fuel.

Botulinum Neurotoxin Countermeasure Discovery

GlobalBiodefense: U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense (USAMRICD) is contracting with the Institute of Advanced Sciences, Inc. (IAS) in support of the Defense Threat and Reduction Agency (DTRA) Multicenter Program for Developing Treatments for Botulinum Neurotoxin Intoxication (BoNT).

Experimental therapies: growing interest in the use of whole blood or plasma from recovered Ebola patients (convalescent therapies)

Ebola virus disease currently has no vaccines or medicines approved by national regulatory authorities for use in humans save for the purpose of compassionate care. To date, the virus has infected 6242 people and killed 2909 of them. These figures, which are far greater than those from all previous Ebola outbreaks combined, are known by  Read More »

Vials of Smallpox Virus Found in Unapproved Maryland Lab

ABCNEWS: Vials of the virus that causes smallpox were found in a National Institutes of Health research building that was unequipped and unapproved to handle the deadly pathogen, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

First Vaccine for Dengue Fever Shows Promise in 2nd Big Trial

(New York Times) An experimental vaccine against dengue fever being developed by Sanofi proved about 60 percent effective in its second large clinical trial. The results could clear the way for the introduction of the world’s first inoculation against the disease, which is mosquito-borne and becoming an increasing threat.