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By Category: Research

Microrockets fueled by water neutralize chemical and biological warfare agents

AmericanChemicalSociety: Scientists are developing microrockets to fight back against dangerous chemical and biological agents, should the need arise. In the journal ACS Nano, they describe new spherical micromotors that rapidly neutralize chemical and biological agents and use water as fuel.

Analysis: Bat Influenza Viruses and the Risk to Humans

GlobalBiodefense: Characterization of Uncultivable Bat Influenza Virus Using a Replicative Synthetic Virus. A study published on October 2nd in PLOS Pathogens addresses the question of whether or not bat flu exists based on detailed molecular and virological characterization. 

WHO | Experimental Ebola vaccines

WorldHealthOrganization- The WHO has announced that they have been assessing the status of work to test and eventually license two candidate Ebola vaccines. The two candidate vaccines have clinical-grade vials available for phase 1 pre-licensure clinical trials.

Ebola Virus Disease in West Africa — The First 9 Months of the Epidemic and Forward Projections

TheNewEnglandJournalofMedicine- Report by the W.H.O. on the  clinical and epidemiological characteristics of the Ebola epidemic in Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone during the first 9 months of the epidemic (as of September, 14, Senegal had reported only a single case). The report furthermore documents trends in the epidemic thus far and projects expected case numbers  Read More »

Years of Preparation Pay Off with Ebola Diagnostic