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By Category: Policy & Initiatives

Obama seeks $6 billion from Congress to fight Ebola in Africa, United States

The Washington Post: The Obama administration has asked Congress for more than $6 billion in emergency funding to fight the Ebola epidemic in West Africa and secure the United States against further spread of the deadly virus.

Treating Those Treating Ebola in Liberia

TheNewYorkTimes: A dedicated Ebola field hospital for health workers, is scheduled to open soon outside Monrovia, Liberia.

Mounting a Good Offense against Measles

NewEnglandJournalofMedicine: Doctors and public health authorities need to renew their attention to measles, researchers from Emory Vaccine Center urge.

Why Big Data Missed the Early Warning Signs of Ebola

ForeignPolicy- With the Centers for Disease Control now forecasting up to 1.4 million new infections from the current Ebola outbreak, what could “big data” do to help us identify the earliest warnings of future outbreaks and track the movements of the current outbreak in realtime? It turns out that monitoring the spread of Ebola can teach us a  Read More »

White House Issues New Regulations for Dangerous Biological Research

NewYorkTimes: The Obama administration on Wednesday issued new guidelines intended to strengthen the oversight of federally funded biology research that could inadvertently produce bio-weapons. The new policy shifts the burden of finding and disclosing the dangerous aspects of research from the funding agency — usually the National Institutes of Health — to the scientists who  Read More »