Anthrax Countermeasures: Current Status and Future Needs

“The U.S. government does not yet have the range of medical-countermeasures needed to protect its citizens from anthrax and other potential bioweapons. In the event of an anthrax attack, treatment interventions in addition to antibiotics would be needed so that very ill patients can be treated and clean-up crews can be better protected, especially if an engineered strain is used. This article describes specific anthrax countermeasures that are in development, barriers to development, and potential mechanisms the government could use to accelerate the movement of these countermeasures through the pipeline. A key challenge will be to encourage the transition of promising leads from basic research to the product development stage, when they may qualify for BioShield funds.”
By Luciana L. Borio and Gigi Kwik Gronvall

Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: Biodefense Strategy, Practice, and Science
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